Tuesday 5 February 2013

MESMERISED : mantramugdha (Franz Anton Mesmer)

Ever wondered from where did the words come from..... here we will talk about origin of another word "Mesmerise"... some people has become  immortal due to this kind of words no matter for what sake.. same is with Franz Anton Mesmer (healer of Animal Magnetism):-

MESMERISE is an intense facination..like Spellbind OR 
simply "Mantramugdha Hona" in our mother tounge;

        Mesmer's name is the root of the English verb "mesmerize". He used the controversial concept of animal magnetism to cure various disease of his patients. 
      This therapy is controversial in the sense that there is no proof behind this so called theory, and also to the existence of a new physical fluid in human body which was supposed to be causing the healing. He had this strong faith that health is the free flow of the process of life through thousands of channels in our bodies and Illness was caused by obstacles to this flow; and that his "therapy" was able to streamline that flow again causing to cure the patient. He was then proved wrong by 5 commissioners appointed (for the purpose investigation of the therapy to be true) includingAmerican ambassador Benjamin Franklin.

     While the theory of animal magnetism has paved path for various similar  practices which are followed until now, like hypnotism, reiki etc....

SO if u want your own name to be immortal for decades.. then What r u waiting for.... 

just GO AHEAD and start working on your own theory.. who knows.. you too may become famous.. just kidding Pals...

(ref- wikipedia)

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