Saturday 2 February 2013

"YoUr NaMe is MUD"

"YoUr NaMe is MUD" - 
                  It basically means "what you say isn't to be trusted." or simply "you are going down"... It came from Dr. Samuel Mudd, who was believed to have helped John Wilkes Booth in the assassination plan of President Abraham Lincoln (America's 16th president) . He insisted he wasn't, but no one believed him...

    Many Americans have used the expression, "Your name will be mud," in the mistaken belief dat it had something  to do with the kind of dirt or slime that is found in the streets.
The brief story of what happened is here...: 

On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln was watching a play in a Washington theater. A young actor, John Wilkes Booth, sneaked into Lincoln's private box and shot him in the back of the head on April 14,1865 at about 10:13 pm (aiming at the back of Lincoln's head and fired at point-blank range).
      Booth had broken a bone in his leg when he leaped to the stage to runaway from the theater. Booth ran away with a young boy who waited for him with a horse. He needed a doctor badly and finally arrived at the home of a doctor whose name was Mudd, Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd. He treated the actor's injured leg without knowing what has Booth done. Although he had some meetings earlier with BOOTH (that's still controversial as some say it was related to the Mudd's farm which the Doc. Mudd wanted to sell and Booth showed interest in the farm while some say it was just to recruit MUDD for the plot). 
            A small group of people helped Booth plan Lincoln's murder. They were all captured and sentenced to death or prison terms. Mudd escaped the sentence of death for just one vote and was given life imprisonment. In jail, Dr. Mudd saved many prisoners and guards in an epidemic of yellow fever. And President Andrew Johnson pardoned him in 1869 after the doctor had spent almost four years in jail. 

       The assassination of Abraham Lincoln came as a terrible blow to the American people. Altough Dr. Mudd was freed, but people never forgave him. His name passed into American folk speech as something bad, odious. The Mudd family also suffered because of the name. No one knows how many descendants changed their name because of the trouble it caused them.

Not long ago, however, a state legislator felt that something should be done to do justice to the name of Dr. Mudd. He offered a proposal to the Oklahoma legislature that would declare Dr. Mudd's innocence, and finally clear his name. "The good name of the Mudd family," said the Oklahoma legislator, "has suffered enough in the past century for the injustice done their ancient ancestor."(refference - wikipedia, )


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